Friday, August 03, 2007

This is the baby sweater
I'm working on.
I'm not sure it I have
enough Yarn.. I'm finished
with both sleeves now...
So well see. Katina Yarn
made in spain. Hopefully
I can find another skein if
I need to.


Rachel said...

Ooh, really pretty yarn! That sweater is looking b-e-a-utiful!

Zingis2000 Knitter said...

Well (tears,tears, tears,) I had to frog. I did not have enough yarn. Drats... (@#$@%%)

I will try again though when I find some matching yarn.

Thanks for posting. Hope everything is going well for you in your new home. Keep in touch. Friday night knitting isn't the same without you!
God Bless, Linda