Friday, August 03, 2007

Mood It’s Friday. Work was AWFUL today... oh well.. I get to knit tonight.. yeahhhhhh

WIP - The top down sweater needs one sleeve and the rib on the bottom finished. I'm still working on the "Pink Katina" sweater. I pray I have enough yarn. Ken's slippers are still on hold. Carries knit cap...still on hold... Blue ribbon baby slipper.. still on the needles..sigh..oh yeah the double knit sock.. forget it. Still working on the hand dyed sox's.

What I’m Doing – I plan on going knitting tonight. Tommorrow is “Mentors and Masters’ knit at a local coffee house. I will have to wait and see. My DS has a softball tournament part of the day.

What Audio Books I’m Listen To – I finished listening to “Black Echo"- a Harry Bosh Novel- by Michael Connelly read by Dick Hill . It was very good. Next book...hmmm we'll see.

Weather : Overcast with rain showers at times. High 58F.
Tommorrow: Showers during the morning, followed by partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. Boo hoo. rain rain rain..............................

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