It's been raining non stop for about 3 weeks...........errrr water in the hole.. We had hurricane winds and I had 2 trees down. Now work is really cookin.. with our dealer show coming up.
I decided to treat myself to a knitting class... yeah!
And I also have some mending to do.... on some sock...
The heels are completely gone. My daughter loves these sock so much that I'm going to try and mend.
Just cut and go... I'll put in an afterthought heel.'
1st and foremost - I love the Lord. I love my famiy very much and have worked at the same place for 45 years.Most of all I love being "NaNa" to my grandsons 10,7, 5, and 2 years. I need my Day planner and calendar (just a plain 3x5 notebook.)
I feel lost without my TO DO list. I've worked since I was 14 years old. I've had a library card since I can remember.
I go to libraries when we're on vacation. I started knitting when I was 5 years old. I like to listen to audio books while I'm knitting. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.